Julia Jensen divides her time between southern Vermont and Nantucket, and her oils reflect her deep connections to both regions. Her vibrant, yet restrained palette, and the quality of light in her paintings harken to the Skagen and Funen painters of her ancestral Danish homeland. Julia’s oils are gestural and expressive, full of energy and motion.
She writes “Paintings exist at the meeting ground between the external world and one’s internal, emotional, and spiritual responses to it. For me, landscape is the perfect point of access for this exploration.”
Works by Julia Jensen
Now I Realize, 18 x 18in - $1,800
Habit of Memory, 12 x 12in - $800
Tracking Time, 12 x 12in - $800
Close to the Edge, 12 x 12in - $800
Fragments of Fields, 12 x 12in - $800
Without Going Any Further, 18 x 18in - $1,800
Long Since, 24 x 24in - $2,500
As Though It Were Your Own Twilight, 24 x 24in - $2,500
Along the Edge, 12 x 12in - $800
Restoration, 30 x 30in - $3,500
Looking North, 12 x 12in - $800
• Touchstone - SOLD
• Orientation - SOLD
• Nothing Else - SOLD
• I Could Never Follow - SOLD
• How Often - SOLD
• Again and Again - SOLD
• A Moment - SOLD
• Presence - SOLD
• Unexpected Chance - SOLD
• I Just Knew - SOLD
• Understand the Silence - SOLD
• Yesterday or Tomorrow - SOLD
• Perspective - SOLD
• Perhaps - SOLD
• Rushed by at Dawn - SOLD
• Back and Forth - SOLD
• Approaching Dark - SOLD
• Until I Left - SOLD
• On Sunday - SOLD
• Sometimes - SOLD
• Out of the Blue - SOLD
• Sometimes I Want to Go Back - SOLD
• Vestige - SOLD
• That Afternoon - SOLD
• I Tell You This - SOLD
Artist’s Statement
“As a landscape painter I am caught up in the moment but that is constantly changing. One of my great challenges is coping with this reality of change. I chase the impression. As soon as I set up everything has changed, as soon as I lift my brush the moment has passed. In reality I am always painting from memory, working with backstory. I have resigned myself to this fact. These fragile fragments and impressions themselves are changed by the act of trying to represent them in paint. I have very distinct moments that are constantly asserting themselves in my work. It is not so much an exact place or time that I am trying to evoke but my story about that moment.”
Julia’s Studio Tour
Read through Julia Jensen’s artist Q&A to learn more about her work and browse photos of her beautiful southern Vermont studio.
Select Installations

Montclair, NJ

Interior Design: Washashore Home; Sudbury, MA

San Francisco, CA

South Portland, ME