Our Collection of Landscape Paintings
Our artists each have a unique way of capturing their surroundings, real or imagined. Browse The Willard Gallery’s collection of landscape paintings, including our complete collection of Maine art alongside inspiring locales around the world.
Habit of Memory, 12 x 12in - $800
View from Monhegan Lighthouse, 8 x 8in - $1,200
Writer's Cabin - 30 x 30in - $3,300
Ossuary, 6 x 6in - $650
Now I Realize, 18 x 18in - $1,800
Tracking Time, 12 x 12in - $800
Close to the Edge, 12 x 12in - $800
Ultramarine Cloud, 24 x 24in - $2,900
Without Going Any Further, 18 x 18in - $1,800
By the Sea, 30 x 30in - $3,750
East Bay, 36 x 36in - $7,500
Beyond the Boats, 8 x 8in - $1,200
As Though It Were Your Own Twilight, 24 x 24in - $2,500
Looking North, 12 x 12in - $800
Fragments of Field, 12 x 12in - $800
Along the Edge, 12 x 12in - $800
Lobstermen, 9 x 12in - $1,300
Carver's Harbor II, 16 x 20in - $3,000
Still Waters, 8 x 10in - $1,250
Coming In, 16 x 20in - $3,000
Middle Creek Road, 16 x 16in - $1,600
Castine Street, 16 x 16 - $1,600
Pemaquid Homes, 8 x 8in - $1,200
Sun Reflection, 12 x 12in - $650
Morning Storm, 20 x 16in - $3,000
Birches, 14 x 11in - $1,200
Killarney, 14 x 11in - $1,200
Distant Horizon, 18 x 15in - $1,600
Peace in the Valley, 16 x 20in - $785
End of Day, 8 x 10in - $500
Arcadia Marsh - 20 x 30in - $3,100
What the Ocean Said, 11 x 14in - $1,600
Restoration, 30 x 30in - $3,500
Winter Street Maine, 16 x 16in - $1,600
Long Since, 24 x 24in - $2,500
Reach, 12 x 12in - $1,500
Fading Light, 10 x 20in - $1,200
Coastal Patterns, 24 x 48in - $4,400
New Harbor I, 3 x 6in - $700
Afternoon Swim, 18 x 36in - $5,800
Back Harbor Red Truck, 12 x 16in - $1,600
Spring, 11 x 14in - $1,000
Windy Day, 16 x 20in - $3,000
Trees in Provence, 20 x 24in - $1,700
Maine Pond Rock, 12 x 12in - $1,200
Sea, Purple Sand, 12 x 12in - $1,500
Island Inn #1, 12 x 12in - $650
Maine Homage, 20 x 20in - $2,500
Whyte Light, 12 x 12in - $1,650
Summer Digs, 12 x 12in - $1,650
Fly Ball II, 12 x 12in - $1,650
Fairwind Marine, 6 x 6in - $750
Blue Ridge Spring, 16 x 20in - $1,700
Italian Morning, 44 x 58in - $7,500
Dusk, 18 x 24in - $2,600
Rising Tide, 24 x 26in - $3,200
Leaving Monhegan, 10 x 12in - $1,300
Echo Lake w/ Paddlers, 10 x 12in - $1,300
Outlook, 24 x 30in - $3,600
Land's End, 14 x 18in - $1,400
New Garden, 48 x 52in - $8,800
Lemon Grove, 48 x 48in - $8,300
Paradise, 40 x 40in - $6,200
Two Pines on the Beach, 20 x 22in - $2,600
Dusk, 8 x 8in - $1,200
Low Tide, 10 x 10in - $1,500
Summer Islands, 12 x 12in - $650
At the End of Cook's, 10 x 10i - $1,600
Wine Dark Sea, 18 x 18in - $3,000
Ocean From Vinalhaven, 12 x16in - $2,000
Bailey's Way, 12 x 16in - 1,800
Eastern Point, 42 x 38in - $4,200
Yellow Light, 22 x 28in - $4,000
Tarquimpol, 11 x 14in - $1,200
Quarry at Noon, 24 x 30in - $4,400
Prouts Neck, 30 x 34in - $3,400
Rocky Point, 24 x 20in - $3,800
Gentle Lessons, 18 x 14in - $1,400
Ocean Track, 20 x 16in - $3,000
Studio, 20 x 16in - $3,000
Ocean, 8 x 10in - $1,250
Straight on 'til Morning, 14 x 18in - $1,800
Awakening, 18 x 24in - $2,100
Wadsworth Cove, 11 x 14in - $800
Back Harbor Reflections, 12 x 16in - $1,600
Red House, 24 x 30in - $3,600
Two Trees, 24 x 30in - $3,250
Monhegan Lighthouse, 24 x 30in - $3,600
A Child's Armada, 16 x 12in - $1,100
Picnic, 10 x 8in - $800
Boat in Cove, 16 x 12in - $1,800
Zoo in Winter, 36 x 24in - $3,000
Palomino, 20 x 16in - $785
Boats at Rest, 8 x 10in - $1,350
View Next to Cook's, 8 x 10in - $1,350
New Harbor II, 4 x 8in - $750
Tide Coming In, 48 x 36in - $6,300
Pines Near the Beach, 30 x 48in - $4,600
The Playhouse, 6 x 8in - $600
Red Roof in the Evening, 12 x 16in - $1,200
Looking Towards Powder Point I, 33 x 44in - $4,200
Looking Towards Powder Point II, 33 x 44in - $4,200
Prouts Neck, Wind Rising - 24 x 36in - $3,200
Duxbury Waters, 34 x 30in - $3,400
Tidal Waters, 30 x 30in - $3,200
Rocky Island, 28 x 30in - $3,400
Above the Village, 23 x 26in - $3,200
Talking Harbor, 12 x 16in - $1,600
Shoreside Farm, 12 x 16in - $1,600
Farm by Cove, 16 x 20in - $1,800
Magic Sky, 16 x 20in - $1,800
Arrival, 9 x 12in - $1,200
Tidal Port, 11 x 12in - $1,200
Dusk Second Peninsula, 9 x 13 - $900
White Caps, 10 x 10in - $900