Introducing: Claire Cushman

I first happened upon the work of artist Claire Cushman years ago while browsing the art collection at Collyer’s Mansion. Immediately, I was drawn to her vivid, contemplative scenes - inviting pools, charming vignettes, and views that perfectly capture the relationship between our indoor and outdoor realms. Fast forward a few years, and I was thrilled to see a note from her land in my inbox!

Claire has spent each summer of her life in Maine and credits the coastline as her greatest source of inspiration. She holds a BA in English from Brown University and an MFA in painting from the New York Academy of Art.

Though she was living and painting in Paris when we first connected, I’ve since had the chance to meet her at her Sorrento studio for the photos seen here. Claire is a gifted writer - she taught high school English for years before she left to pursue art full-time - and her answers to the questions below paint the perfect picture of who she is as a person and an artist.

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What currently inspires your art?
Perhaps not surprisingly, given my work, I'm most inspired by the beauty of Maine. It's a place I feel deeply connected to, and I find it easiest to paint when I'm there. Tellingly, when I'm not in Maine, I find inspiration by looking at photos of Maine.

What does your process look like? Does it differ between your landscapes and your interiors?
First, I take tons of photos of mountains, lakes, my dog, friends' houses—you name it. Then I sift through the images to find ones that would make for successful paintings. (Working from life has its benefits—you can see more color than a photo can ever represent—but it's so much more of a production to paint outside.) I play around with cropping, decide what canvas size and proportion would best suit the image, and work out a color palette. I try not to be too married to the photo, so that the painting and the photograph feel pretty different. Next, I sketch out the composition on the canvas using very thin paint. And then put on an audiobook, mix my paints, and start going at it!

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Which artists inspire you the most?
Joan Mitchell, Winslow Homer, James McNeil Whistler, Fairfield Porter, Maureen Gallace, Helen Frankenthaler, George Bellows, Alex Katz, Richard Diebenkorn, Henri Matisse—I could go on.

Describe your perfect day in Maine.
Blueberry pancakes for breakfast, then some quality time in the studio. I'd take a break to hike with friends and family (probably at the nearby Schoodic Mountain), followed by a swim at Donnell Pond, or maybe some tennis. After lunch, I'd pack in some more studio hours, interspersed with some playtime on the lawn with my dog, Bruno. Oh, and in the afternoon, I'd take a 26-minute nap. (I'm a big napper and suspicious of anyone who isn't.) The day would end with some Sancerre and brie on the lawn, overlooking Frenchman's Bay.

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Tell us about the months you spent living and painting in Paris.
It was a dream! Baguettes, pastries, wine, museums, and the tiniest apartment imaginable. I'd wake up, walk outside onto a market street (fresh fruits and vegetable stands everywhere you turn), order a chocolate croissant and a café au lait, get yelled at by the bakery lady for not understanding what change to give her, and then take two hours of French lessons before heading to my studio. My husband and I were lucky enough to spend five and a half months in Paris—until the pandemic hit and we had to pack up and leave. (I was ripping canvases off their frames and stuffing them in suitcases.)

A dream landscape or travel destination that you’d like to paint someday?
The lavender fields in Provence.

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Shop Claire’s Works


Laurie Fisher on Peaks Island


Alna Project