The Weldon Hotel Art Partnership

We are thrilled to be the art partner for one of the newest hotels in downtown Portland, Maine: The Weldon Hotel!

The Willard Gallery is grateful to be collaborating with The Weldon Hotel on providing a vibrant guest experience through coastal-inspired landscape and abstract works available for purchase from the gallery’s collection. Nine different paintings from The Willard Gallery are currently on view in the common areas of this property, which features 13 luxury apartment-style suites.

The paintings from this first collection include works by Donna Bruni, Bayard Hollins, Beth Munro, Lou Schellenberg, Kathy Soles, and John Vinton. We look forward to sharing the art at The Weldon with you all on private tours.

The hotel is not accessible to the public, so email the gallery if you’d like to set up a time to tour the art collection at The Weldon.


Shop The Weldon Hotel Art Collection


Featured: Boston Home Magazine